Choral Booster Information

Choral Boosters

The Choral Boosters support all of the activities during the year - attire sizing, field trips, concerts, fundraising, etc. and generally help our director so that he can concentrate on classroom instruction and choral directing. The Executive Board meets once a month to plan for all of these activities. Please make sure your student has indicated that you are interested in helping with this group and various activities for this school year.

Here is the current list of Booster Positions:

(*) indicates this position is open for 2021/2022.

• President (*)

• Co-President / Secretary (*)

• Treasurer

• Spirit Wear

• Fundraisers (*)

• Hospitality - including Sign-Up Genius moderator (*)

• PTSA Rep (*)

• Technical Resources

• Members At Large (*)

Please Note - If you are interested in a position that is currently filled please note that many positions are currently being held by parents of senior students and we are looking for parents open to training this year in preparation for taking over in 2022/23.

Please find below a brief description for each position, or for more information - please contact

President (2 year commitment, including 1st year as Co-President)

The role of the president is to support the Choral Director and provide help in all activities throughout the year. They will organize a monthly meeting & liaise with the Director to compile an agenda for such. They will work closely with and provide help & support to the other choral boosters.

Examples of tasks performed:

• research

• event organization

• communication

• general support

Co-President / Secretary (2 year commitment, including 2nd year as President)

The role of the Co-President is to help the President (see above) in order that they are prepared to take over that role. This is coupled with the role of Secretary (1st year only) whose task it is to take minutes at the monthly meetings.


The role of the Treasurer is to work with QuickBooks to perform the following tasks:

• Create annual budget

• Add new students to the Customer database

• Create invoices which bill each student for assessments and attire

• Oversee fundraisers to insure that profits are correctly credited to the individual student’s account

• Receive and record payments, and deposit into bank account

• Receive and record invoices/bills, and write checks

• Reconcile bank account

They will also:

• Present monthly updates at the Choral Booster Meetings

• Work closely with Choral Director on all choral financial matters

Spirit Wear

• Orders & arranges distribution of required choral tee shirts.

• Orders and coordinates sales of choral spirit wear.

• Fundraisers (*)

Coordinates the various fundraisers throughout the year, e.g. Butter Braid sales, GoPlaySave etc.

Hospitality (including Sign-Up Genius moderator) (*)

• Coordinates hospitality events e.g. concert decoration, after concert refreshments, fall & spring picnic events.

• Coordinates volunteers to decorate, set up, serve, and clean up.

• Sends out relevant Sign-Up Genius requests for such events & for general requests e.g for choral room snacks.

PTSA Rep (*)

• Attends all PTSA meetings (once a month) representing the choral department (or finds a substitute to do so.)

• Promotes upcoming choral department events (performances, fundraisers etc).

• Reports back any PTSA information to the Choral Boosters.

(In the absence of someone taking on this role, it can be shared between President & Co-President.)

Technical Resources

This role involves working with choral director to carry out essential administration of Google Workspace, including:

• website administration

• domain names

• storage

In addition, they should become familiar with all applications and software used by the Choral Department.

Members At Large (3 positions) (*)

Member At Large attend & contribute to the monthly Choral Booster meetings and help with the various events & choral happenings. They may even take on a role, such as coordinating Concert Attire or organizing Singing Valentines. This position is ideal for parents whose student is a choir member for one semester only & can’t take on a year round role.